Best In Show
Moral Support
(dir. Vuk Jevremovic)
Best Director
Jonah Kagen - Matches
(dir. Zebulon Griffin)
Best Style
(dir. Nico Van Den Berg)
Best Experimental
The Bells
(dir. Al Cerulo, Jude Traxler)
Best Originality
The Words
(dir. Bartosz Niemy Strózynski)
Best First-Time Director
Ky J. Brandes - Hunger
(dir. Nathaniel Blake Caudill, Annabel DelGiorno)
Best Student
I F***** It Up
(dir. Carissa Sky)
Best Low Budget
Sarah Shafey - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
(dir. Alex McFarland)
Best Animation
Bob Dylan's Big Dick
(dir. Chris Lambourne)
Best Song
(dir. Ilya Noyabrev)
Douche Canoe (dir. Craig Melville) Best Experimental
Heather Morris - Maybe This Is How Life Should Be (dir. Kate Bohan) Best Director
Jeff Hilliard - My Face (dir. Jeff Hilliard) Best Low Budget
Pass A Bottle (dir. Mona Zaidi) Best Low Budget
Rise Up & Fight (dir. Nolan Williams Jr.) Best Director
The Spades Club (dir. Clara Hopkins) Best Student
Where Angels Fear to Tread (dir. Grant M. Varner) Best Originality
Breaking Out (dir. David Glass) Best Experimental
FEAR, Forget My Name (dir. Alex Bram) Best Director
Go With the Flow (dir. Kev Miles) Best Animation
Mihiri Silva - I'm Outta Control (dir. Mihiri Silva, Brian Pinkus) Best Song
Our Love (dir. Nathaniel P Jones) Best First-Time Director
Passion of the Soul (dir. Charlotte Fantelli) Best Director
You, Me and The Night (dir. Coco Bigles) Best Originality